Why You Need to Pay Particular Attention to Wheel and Tyre Alignment


Tyre engineers spend a great deal of time and effort to design tyres so that they last for a long time, provide a safe and secure ride in all weather conditions and help ensure a comfortable ride. These complex pieces of rubber are a masterpiece of engineering in their own right, but they will fall far short of their purpose unless they are correctly fitted and maintained. You may know how important it is to set everything up correctly in the beginning, but did you know that you should also take the vehicle in for a regular wheel and tyre service as well?

24 May 2019

Guidelines You Should Consider To Keep Tyres in Excellent Condition


Tyres are a valuable part of the vehicle. Although most vehicle owners already know this, they rarely look after them effectively, and this leads to severe consequences. Other than compromising the vehicle's performance and putting other road users at risk, you will also incur costly repairs. To ensure your car is safe and roadworthy, it's vital to ensure the car tyres are maintained regularly. Follow these steps to keep your tyres in good condition.

23 May 2019

How to Extend the Life of Your Tyres Between Services


Car servicing is an important part of any vehicle maintenance regimen. Having one conducted will not only mean that potentially serious defects with your car are picked up on and subsequently remedied, but it can mean that the resale value of your vehicle is higher than it otherwise would be. Not only are the main engine and exhaust components thoroughly checked, but your tyres will be inspected, as well. If you only ever have your tyres looked at during an annual car service, then you are not really doing enough to look after them, however.

26 April 2019

Tips for Looking After Your Tyres


All too often, Australian motorists fail to take proper care of their car tyres. This may be because they think they don't need to. People who only drive a few miles each week going to school or the supermarket and back may think that their tyres will never deflate or wear down very much. On the other hand, even people who drive from one state to another on a frequent basis can be guilty of failing to inspect their tyres properly as often as they should.

25 April 2019

What Factors Determine Which Castor Wheels You Should Buy?


If you have a need to transport loads around a space, be it a warehouse or an office, then you need to buy castor wheels. Nonetheless, if you have never had to use castor wheels before, you may be under the false impression that all you need to do is go to a hardware shop and buy the most affordable wheels that fit your budget. But this will be a huge mistake.

23 April 2019

Two Tips for New Boat Owners Who Need to Use Boat Rollers to Transport Their Boats


If you have just bought a boat and now need to start using a boat roller to roll your watercraft when it needs to be moved around on dry land, here is some advice that you may want to keep in mind. Make sure the castor wheels on your boat roller have deep treads and the right load capacity There are a wide variety of castors that can be used on boat rollers.

4 April 2019